Heifer Program Today, the buzz word throughout the dairy industry is BIOSECURITY evidencing the economic risks and rewards of aggressive herd health management. The Genes Diffusion Group has been providing this service to our international clients for over 75 years. We are now able to offer this same program to breeders domestically. Just as different countries have specific health requirements, the same is true for dairies here in the U.S.A. Each has its own goals and objectives. The Genes Diffusion Expansion/Replacement Program was designed to protect our clients from diseases that cause the most economic losses to an individual dairy. Genes Diffusion USA is committed to meeting the needs of our customers by supplying the best quality products and services available. A competent motivated team, familiar with the reality of business, is at your disposal. If you are interested in the Heifer Program please e-mail us at gd@genesdiff-usa.com or call us at 608-288-9161. Disclaimer |